PPhotographers to follow in Google+
Hi guys here you have a list of some links to follow in Google+. Some profiles to learn of some famous photographers viewing their porfolios
Hurry up and add them to your circles to be informed of their updates
Also you can check the list of unofficial Google+’s recommended photographers to follow.

Tags: Alan Shapiro, Alex Koloskov, Brian Rose, Christian Baillet, Christopher O’Donnell, Colby Brown, Damien Franco, Darren Rowse, Dave Beckerman, Eric Leslie, Frederick Van Johnson, Giuseppe Basile, google+, google+ unofficial list, Guy Tal, helen sotiriadis, Jay Patel, Jeremy Cowart, Joshua Evan Powell, Klaus Herrmann, list, Lotus Carroll, Michael Riffle, Nate Zeman, Nicole S. Young, Patrick Di Fruscia, Patrick Smith, Paul R. Giunta, Photographers, photographers to follow, Romain Guy, Scott Jarvie, Scott McCloud, Terje Sorgjerd, Thomas Hawk, to follow, Trey Ratcliff, Vivienne Gucwa