DSLR photography guide for beginners
DSLR photography guide for amateurs
Listed below are a 12 useful tips for those photographers progressing to a DSLR (also known as DigitalSLR) camera. These are basic DSLR photography tips for beginners.
DSLR For Beginners
- Don’t throw your camera manual away.It will become your new best friend, especially in the first couple of months after purchasing your DSLR camera. Always store it in your camera bag.
- Buy a UV filter for each lens you own. It’s easier to replace a scratched lens filter than replace your actual lens.
- Learn to use all your DSLR camera settings. Even those you don’t think you’d ever use. Practise changing settings like ISO, aperture and shutter speed. A moving animal/car won’t sit/stop and pose until you work out your settings.
- Include a remote release and a hardy tripod. They both come in handy for taking photographs that require long shutter speeds. For example night photography or slow motion water.
- You can never have enough Photography Magazines and books to learn from. Read, read and read.
- Don’t touch or blow on the mirror inside your camera body. If you damage the sensor, you may as well buy another camera body, because that’s how much it will cost to fix. If you notice spots appearing in your photos, buy a cleaning kit or if you are a real beginner in DSLR photography just take your DSLR to a cleaning service which is always a safety alternative.
- Don’t change your lens outside if it’s windy or if you are at the beach. Put the main lens on your camera before you leave the house or car. Face the camera body downwards if you need to change the lens outside.
- If you find your getting a lot of blurred photo’s, change to a fast shutter speed. Holding the camera closer to your body or resting it on a nearby object is also a good tip.
- When you buy a digital camera bag, think about the future. Many photographers on average own at least 3 lenses. Buy a confortable bag that allow you to carry the DSLR camera with a lens and at least space for another lense more.
- Learn what RAW file format is. Setting your digital camera to shoot in RAW is particularly useful for beginners to DSLR photography. This allow you to change some parameters on your computer with a RAW editor, like white balance or picture style if you set it wrong when you take a photograph.
- The best way to learn what your DSLR camera can do, is through experimentation. Try both fast and slow shutter speeds or try different aperture settings. Shot, shot and Shot more and more.
- Always press the shutter button half way down to prefocus before going all the way and taking the photograph. This is one of the most useful DSLR photography tips.